


目 次


Trilogy of Ba-Shu Culture Contrived in the Wei-Jin Period-From "San-Du-Fu" to "History of the Three Sovereign Nations" and "History of Hua-Yang Monarchy"

王文進(Wen-Chin Wang)





Ba-Shu culture is momentous proportion constituting the integral history and culture of Han, Three sovereign nations, and Wei-Jin periods. Nevertheless, owing to the general trend of history, after Three sovereign nations intermingled by Jin dynasty, Northern people take haughty demeanor to southern culture by bureaucratic and militant triumph, let the conservation of Ba-Shu culture in dangers lurking on all sides, virtually vanish the biased cultural vision of Northern monopolization in unwarlike situation. Nowadays, we could ascertain quintessence of Ba-Shu culture before middle-ancient Age building upon three works by their contrastive manner and Writing pinnacle: Zuo si "San-Du-Fu", Chen Shou "History of the Three Sovereign Nations", and Chang Qu "History of Hua-Yang Monarchy". Zuo si is in poetic inflexibility of harmonious condition of western-Jin, feverishly and fatuously composing "San-Du-Fu", unintentionally preserving essence of Ba-Shu culture. Chen Shou's "History of the Three Sovereign Nations" is in the contradiction of northern and southern politics, prudently handling tactics of technique foul to equate field of vision of three sovereign nations, gingerly sustaining Ba-Shu culture. Chen Shou, even though dissatisfy the people of Zhong-Yuan and southern districts with their disdain of Ba-Shu culture, is in the sentiments of warmth of home-town, calmly perceiving positive impetus to Ba-Shu culture from external culture, ultimately fulfilling the triad of Ba-Shu culture.



Analysis for Effect of "Yuan Jia Poetry" by "Jin Yang Style"

張嘉珊(Jia-Shan Zhang)





As classified by poetry, the skill for "scenery description by vivid words" is named as "Jin Yang Style". Zhang Xie made use of this skill well for his poems, and won a great achievement as compared to others. At the same time, more followers employed this style for writing from Zhang Xie's original during Jin, Song Dynasties. Such as Xie Ling-Yun, Yan Yan-Zhi, Bao-Zhao, classified and commented by "Shi-Ping" (a poem assessment written by Zhong Rong). On the basis of Zhang Xie, differences are developed from those poetry, Xie Ling-Yun, Yan Yan-Zhi and Bao-Zhao arose three different kinds of characteristic, as ethereal, restrained and abstruse styles. In this paper, the effects of Yuan Jia Poetry by "Jin Yang Style" are well studied, and more details from similarity and diversity are researched and analyzed from those poetry mentioned before.




The Narrative Characteristics of Six Dynasties chih-kuai Fiction: Using "Sou-sen-chi" as Example

謝明勳(Min-Hsun Hsieh)





Using the most representative Sou-shen-chi (Accounts of the Supernatural) as example, the author hopes to analyze and demonstrate the narrative characteristics of the multifarious corpus of Six Dynasties chih-kuai 志怪fiction. First, the article will discuss the sources of these stories; secondly, the narrative strategies in presenting the stories will be focused on. Then finally, the peculiar phenomenon of having the qualities of history and literature, the distinction between fact and fiction, as seen in Sou-shen-chi, will lead to the summing-up of the narrative nature in Six Dynasties chih-kuai stories. The contribution of Six Dynasties men of letters to chih-kuai fiction can be summed up in two aspects: firstly, to change the unsophisticated and interactive oral nature of storytelling into written form and record them in literary ways; secondly, they tended to collect and incorporate documents of similar nature into story matrix to transform them into more complex stories. In the process of doing so, they brought into the chih-kuai stories something that were not existent in the original stories and therefore alter the nature of the original chih-kuai stories. All these doings make the chih-kuai stories to appear as a distinctive narrative sub-genre with special generic features.



On the Cnnection between Yan Zhitui's Belief in Buddhism and His Identity Reconstruction: According to Yanshi jiaxun "Guixin pian"

王美秀(Mei-Hsiu Wang)





Buddhism became domestic in Chinese society during the period of Northern and Southern dynasties, especially within intellectual statues. In Yanshi jiaxun, written by Yan Zhitui, there is a chapter titled "Guixin pian", from it we may see a reflection of the intellectual's belief in Buddhism of the time. In the chapter Yan tried very hard to explain the connection between his family tradition and Buddhism, he as well defended Buddhism from many kinds of attack in his time. However, the reason of writing Yanshi jiaxun was not only for making a family instruction but also for his concealed hope of identity reconstruction. As one chapter of Yanshi jiaxun, "Guixin pian" was certainly an important discourse of his identity reconstruction. This paper makes a deep discussion on how Yan Zhitui reconstructed identity for himself and for his family through the connection between the belief in Buddhism and family continuation in "Guixin pian". The discussion focuses on three points, there are: (A) under the belief in Buddhism, how Yan continued family tradition in one way and made alteration of family tradition in the other way at the same time, (B) how he transferred the meaning of Buddhist term of 'three-lives' into general Chinese term of 'three generations', and (C) how he introduced some of Buddhist ideas into Confucianism and produced a new form of Confucianism. For Yan Zhitui, Buddhism was not just an abstractive room where he and his family could have a rest, receive peace and raise hope of future again, it was also a major discourse of identity reconstruction for him. Through this discourse, Yan Zhitui reconstructed a new Confucianist identity for himself and for Yan clan. The identity he reconstructed was much different from the one he used to have when he lived in Jiangnan.



"Not Having" and "Having"-On the Two Interpretive Approaches to Wang Bi's Discourse on Sainthood with Affection

吳冠宏(Kuan-Hung Wu)





Wang Bi's shengren youqingshuo (discourse on 'sainthood with affection') is a significant topic of Chinese metaphysics. Since it involves qing (affection), a core issue that Wei-Jin's intellectualists were generally aware of, discussions about it shift between "metaphysical theoretical underpinning" and "cultural intellectualism". As such, it has given rise to much controversy and room for further exploration. By examining the two approaches to Wang Bi's discourse on sainthood with affection-"emphasis on metaphysical theorizing" and "focus on intellectuals' attitude toward affection", this paper investigates their respective strengths and weaknesses. The paper will juxtapose the two approaches-one highlighting "not having" (gueiwu) and the other sticking to "having" (zhiyiou) and will consider the lines between sainthood and secularism, between affection and wisdom. It will initiate a dialogue between metaphysics and intellectual climate on one hand, and will reveal interpretive flexibility and restraint in Wang's treatment on the other hand. It is hoped that the meaning and value of Wang's discourse can be properly appreciated and evaluated. This study will bring into a dialogic cross-fertilization metaphysical and intellectual discourses, "not having" and "having", abstract thinking and concrete phenomena, theoretical origins and social situations. Overall, it aims to provide an alternative framework in which to understand Wang Bi's discourse on sainthood with affection.



Buddhist Creed of the Lanye-Wang Clan in the Weijin Period

紀志昌(Chih-Chang Chi)





In the Weijin period social development brought about the forming of clans. Culturally in the same period Buddhist thought gained broad following in China. The clash of Buddhist thought with traditional Chinese culture was bound to have an impact on the social fabric and the indigenous cultural values. Since dissemination of Buddhist ideas and the formation of clans happened in the same period, it is interesting to look how these two trends relate. This paper picks out the single case of the famous Lanye-Wang clan to trace in horizontal and vertical fashion the adaptation of Buddhist thought by this clan in a comprehensive fashion.

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