目前分類:講演.學會.研討會 (836)

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講 題:Developments in Chinese Bronze Production”(Harvard-Yenching Institute Talk, co-sponsored with the East Asian Archaeology Seminar Series

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講 題:Recovering and Preserving the Richness of Central Asian Nomadic Life: The Challenges for Public MemoryCentral Asia and Caucasus Seminar joint with Inner Asian and Altaic Studies Lecture Series

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講 題:New Approach to the Archaeology of Fur Trade in Old ChosunEarly Korea Project Lecture & East Asian Archaeology Seminar

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講 題:"The Spice Trade as Asian History and as Global History"Fairbank Center Special Presentation

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講 題:"The Evolution of Mathematics in Ancient China"Fairbank Center Special Presentation

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講 題:"The Difference between Health Care and Medicine: China in the Northern Song"CEAS Humanities Colloquium

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講 題:「內陸亞洲歷史上的定居與游牧」

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