目前分類:講演.學會.研討會 (836)

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講 題:「史中有史:論文學史寫作」(臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院人文講座)

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講 題:「大地景觀的建築經營—風景區宮苑:清漪園例解」(臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院人文講座)

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講 題:「鉛同位体比から見た三角縁神獣鏡」(池上曽根弥生学習館フォーラム、東アジアの鏡文化卑弥呼の鏡は海を越えたか4回)

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講 題:“Displaying Minds and Bodies: Interpreting the Medieval Scrolls of Affliction” (Reischauer Institute Japan Forum presentation)

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講 題:“Different Drummers, Single Beat: Rhetorics of Ritual Homogeneity and the Sixth-Century Chinese Reunification” (Director’s Seminar, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies)

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講 題:「人為與自然相融合的時空藝術—江南園林」(臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院人文講座)

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講 題:“Developing a Platform for the Digitization of Chinese History and Culture, With Mapping Capabilities based on the China Historical Geographic Information System”

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講 題:“The Social Life of Buddhist Monks and Nuns in Dunhuang (Gansu, China), 9th-10th Centuries” (Medieval China Lecture Series)

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講 題:“Ritual, History, and the Problem of Modernity: Taking Non-Western Theories of Ritual Seriously” (A Lecture on East Asian Cultures)

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講 題:「古代東アジアの銅鏡」(池上曽根弥生学習館フォーラム、東アジアの鏡文化卑弥呼の鏡は海を越えたか3回)

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講 題:“The Fate of a Bowl (or Bowls): Representations of the Buddha's Bowl in Early Indian Buddhism”South Asia Seminar

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講 題:“Contesting Sacred Space in China’s Ethnic Borderlands: Ritual and Myth at Huanglong, Northern Sichuan”(Seminar on Chinese Religions)

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