World Archaeology, Volume 41 Issue 2 (2009/06)
Tablet of contents
Shepherds and karst: the use of caves and rock-shelters in the Mediterranean region during the Neolithic, Pages 191 - 214
Authors: Diego E. Angelucci; Giovanni Boschian; Marta Fontanals; Annaluisa Pedrotti; Josep Maria Verges
Caves, palimpsests and dwelling spaces: examples from the Upper Palaeolithic of south-east Europe, Pages 215 - 241
Authors: Geoff Bailey; Nena Galanidou
From under the bulldozer's claws: the EE15 Late Gravettian occupation surface of the Lagar Velho rock-shelter, Pages 242 - 261
Authors: Francisco Almeida; Marta Moreno-Garcia; Diego E. Angelucci
Rites in the dark? An evaluation of the current evidence for ritual areas at Magdalenian cave sites, Pages 262 - 294
Pablo Arias
A shaman's burial from an Early Classic cave in the Maya Mountains of Belize, Central America, Pages 295 - 320
Authors: Keith M. Prufer; Peter S. Dunham
Sheltering experience in underground places: thinking through precolonial Chagga Caves on Mount Kilimanjaro, Pages 321 - 344
Timothy Clack