會議名稱:“State and Society in the Mature Silla Period”
日 時:Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 10:00~17:00
會 場:Room S250, CGIS South Building (1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA, US)
主辦者:Planning Committee of the Early Korea Project, Korea Institute at Harvard University
議 程:
State and Society in the Mature Silla Period: Richard D. McBride, II, Brigham Young University-Hawai’i
The Defining Characteristics of the Aristocracy in the Mature Silla Period: Jeon Deogjae, Gyeongju University
Discussant: Jonathan Best, Wesleyan University
Local Society and Regional Administration during the Unified Silla Period: Yoon Seon Tae, Dongguk University
Discussant: Martin Bale, University of Toronto
12:15-1:30 Lunch
Buddhism and the State in the Mature Silla Period: Kim Sang Hyun, Dongguk University
Discussant: Junghee Lee, Portland State University
Dynastic Crisis and the Ruling Strata in 8th-9th Century Silla: Political Administration and Bureaucracy: Ha Il Sik, Yonsei University
Discussant: Sung Min Woo, Northeast Asia History Foundation
15:30-15:45 Coffee Break
The Political and Social Causes for the Collapse of Silla: Lee Ki Dong, Dongguk University
Discussant: Richard D. McBride, II, Brigham Young University-Hawai‘i
Concluding Remarks: Mark Byington, Early Korea Project, Korea Institute, Harvard University