目 次
人事組成為中心…………………會田大輔著 林靜薇譯 1
反排序商榷…………………………………………高震寰 41
反排序商榷…………………………………………高震寰 41
東晉南朝墓の墓室形式に関する問題…………藤井康隆 65
中國北朝石刻上的法華信仰與文化效應…………李志鴻 83
重探上官婉兒的死亡、平反與當代評價…………鄭雅如 111
………………………………………………………趙立新 147
………………………………………………………趙立新 147
南京、洛陽、西安、太原──…………………佐川英治 153
日本「唐代史研究會」介紹………………………張文昌 195
會員名錄…………………………………………………… 203
《早期中國史研究》撰稿格式…………………………… 205
Early and Medieval Chinese History
Vol. 4 No. 1 June 2012
Tablet of Contents
Written by Aida, Daisuke, Translated by Lin, Ching-wei Re-exploring Yuwen Hu’s Period of Rule in the Northern Zhou Dynasty Based on the Personnel Composition of Yuwen Hu’s Staff.……………………………………………………………….1
Research Notes
Kao, Chen-huan A Proposal Regarding the Correct Sequence for Wooden Slip Number Eight in the “Zeng qian mingji” from the Han Tomb at Yinwan.……...................................................................41
Fujii, Yasutaka On the Question of Tomb Format in the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties……...................................................65
Li, Chih-hung The Belief of the Lotus Sutra and Its Cultural Effects on the Inscriptions in the Northern Dynasties in China
Cheng, Ya-ju Reexamining the Death, Rehabilitation and Evaluations of Shangguan Waner….............…..........................111
Book Reviews
Chao, Li-hsin On Ornamented Tombs in East Asia.................147
Trends of Recent Researches
Sagawa, Eiji Archival Survey of Recently Discovered Northern and Southern Dynasties Epitaphs in Nanjing, Luoyang, Xi’an and Taiyuan..................…................................................................153
Introduction of Academic Communities
Chang, Wen-chang Introduction to "The Association of the Study of Tang History (Japan)"..................…............................195
EMCH Member List…............................................................. 203
EMCHArticle Format...............................................................205