目前分類:講演.學會.研討會 (836)

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講 題:“Anxieties of Interpretation: Reading, Hermeneutics, and Knowledge in Early China”(Humanities Colloquium)

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講 題:“Religion in the Six Dynasties: A Succinct Account Based on Recent Research”

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講 題:“Historical Narration and the Role of the Envoy in the Spring and Autumn Period”(歷史敘述與春秋外交辭令)(文學典範的建立與轉化計畫)

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講 題:“Power Relations and Strategies in the Creation of the Shang City in Anyang

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Andrew Plaks, From the Heart: The Workings of Xin in Early Chinese Thought(2009.4.27)

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講 題:「關於漢喃研究院的介紹」

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講 題:「重建京華──唐代長安城及其里坊結構的數碼復原工程」(文化思想史研究室講演)

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講 題:「關於中國佛教研究的幾點想法」(『禮俗宗教研究室』九十八年度第一次討論會)

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講 題:「『天人合一』與『內聖外王』籠罩下的中國權威觀究竟是一元的,抑或是二元的?」

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講 題:「特殊器台、特殊壺の研究」(大阪歴史学会考古部会3月例会)

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講 題:「戰國至漢初傳記之學的形成」

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講 題:“Chinese Development and World History: Putting the 'East Asian Model' in Perspective”

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講 題:“The Varieties of Health Care in Eleventh-century China”

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