日時及說明: 財団法人東方学会は、第52回国際東方学者会議(ICES)東京会議を来る5月18日に、関西部会を同月26日に、東京・京都の両地において開催いたします。ご高承の如く、本会議は1956年に創設され、わが国に滞留して東方学・日本学研究に従事する外国人研究者の方々を招待し、わが国専門学者との間に討議を深め、国際理解の増進を図ってまいりました。第44回会議から東京会議の開催方式を刷新して、シンポジウムを中心に東方学諸分野の研究における最新の成果と動向を反映したアカデミックプログラムを組織編成し、国際学術交流の進展に寄与いたしております。Tokyo, May 18th; Kyoto, May 26th, 2007
つきましては、本会議の果たす学術交流の意義にご賛同を賜り、ふるってご参加くださいますよう、ここにご案内申し上げます。なお、お手数ながら出欠は5月7日(月)までに必着のようご回示下さい。財団法人 東 方 学 会
東京部分 Date: May 18, 2007 (Friday) |
2-6-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0003(千代田区一ツ橋2-6-2)Tel. 03-3230-2831 3 minutes walk from ‘A1’ exit of the subway station “Jimbōchō” (Shinjuku,Hanzōmon, and Mita lines). 地下鉄「神保町駅」(新宿線・半蔵門線・三田線)A1出口徒歩3分 5 minutes walk from ‘Kitanomaru-kōen’ exit of the subway Tōzai line station “Takebashi.” 地下鉄「竹橋」駅(東西線)北の丸公園出口徒歩5分。 |
Paper Session (10:30-16:50)Symposia (10:30-17:00) Symposium I: (801・802会議室) 両漢における『春秋』三伝の相剋(Rivalry Surrounding the Three Commentaries on the Ch‘un-ch‘iu during the Former and Later Han) Chairperson: IKEDA Tomohisa 池田知久, Professor at Daito Bunka University 10:30-10:40 Introductory Remarks by IKEDA Tomohisa 10:40-11:20 NOMA Fumichika 野間文史 (Japan):『春秋事語』と『左伝』 (The Ch‘un-ch‘iu Shih-yü and the Tso-chuan) (in Japanese)
Comment: YI Sung-ryul 李承律(Korea), Lecturer at the University of Tokyo 11:20-12:00 IWAMOTO Kenji 岩本憲司 (Japan): 義から事へ――『左氏伝』の出現 (From “Righteousness” to “Events”: The Emergence of the Tso-shih-chuan) (in Japanese)
Comment: KANO Naosada 狩野直禎, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto Women’s Universitylunch time 13:00-13:40 Joachim GENTZ (Germany): Close(d) Reading of the Chunqiu : Strategies of Producing Meaning in the Gongyang zhuan (『春秋』の微言大義―『公羊伝』における意味生成の戦略) (in English)
Comment: HORIIKE Nobuo 堀池信夫, Professor at Tsukuba University13:40-14:20 TANAKA Masami 田中麻紗巳 (Japan): 漢代の『春秋穀梁伝』(The Ku-liang Commentary on the Ch‘un-ch‘iu during the Han Dynasty) (in Japanese)Comment: YOSHIKAWA Tadao 吉川忠夫, Member of the Japan Academy 14:20-15:00 WATANABE Yoshihiro 渡邉義浩 (Japan): 両漢における『春秋三伝』と国政 (The Three Commentaries on the Ch‘un-ch‘iu and State Affairs during the Former and Later Han) (in Japanese)
Comment: UCHIYAMA Toshihiko 内山俊彦, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto Universitycoffee break 15:20-17:00 Discussion: Chaired by MIURA Kunio 三浦國雄, Professor at Daito Bunka University & IKEZAWA Masaru 池澤優, Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo Symposium Ⅱ:
(From“Tribute,”to “Mutual Trade,”)Chairperson MURAKAMI Ei 村上衛, Associate Professor at Yokohama National University 10:30-10:50 Introductory Remarks by MURAKAMI Ei 10:50-11:30 IWAI Shigeki 岩井茂樹 (Japan): 明清時代の互市と互市論の展開(Developments in Mutual Trade and Mutual Trade Theory in the Ming and Ch‘ing) (in Japanese) 11:30-12:10 OKAMOTO Takashi 岡本隆司 (Japan):「朝貢」と「互市」と海関 (“Tribute,” “Mutual Trade,” and Maritime Customs)(in Japanese) lunch time 13:10-13:50 LIU Shiuh-feng 劉序楓 (Taiwan): 「朝貢」か「互市」か――清代の東アジア海域の視点から (“Tribute” or “Mutual Trade” ?: From the Perspective of the East Asian Maritime Area during the Ch‘ing) (in Japanese) 13:50-14:30 SAKURAI Yumio 桜井由躬雄 (Japan): 18世紀の南海の華人王国――港口國考 (A Chinese Kingdom in the Southern Sea in the 18th Century: On the Port Kingdom of Kang Kao) (in Japanese) 14:30-15:10 YANAGISAWA Akira 柳澤明 (Japan): 内陸世界における「互市システム」の形成とその特徴――対ロシア貿易をめぐって (The Formation of a “Mutual Trade System” in the Chinese Interior and Its Characteristics: With a Focus on Sino-Russian Trade) (in Japanese) coffee break 15:30-16:10 Comments: KISHIMOTO Mio 岸本美緒, Professor at the University of Tokyo, KURODA Keiko 黒田景子, Professor at Kagoshima Univeristy, SUGIYAMA Kiyohiko 杉山清彦, Assistant Professor at Komazawa University, and MATSUI Yōko 松井洋子, Associate Professor at the Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo 16:10-17:00 Discussion Symposium Ⅲ:
(805会議室)分岐か独自か――アジア史とグローバルヒストリー (Diversified or Independent? Locating Asia in Global History) Chairperson: Chairperson: AKITA Shigeru 秋田茂, Professor at Osaka University 10:30-10:40 Introductory Remarks by MIZUSHIMA Tsukasa 水島司 10:40-11:10 Kenneth POMERANZ (USA): Region and World in Economic History: The Early Modern / Modern Divide (経済史における地域と世界――近世と近代の分岐) (in English) 11:10-11:40 TANIMOTO Masayuki 谷本雅之 (Japan): From Peasant Economy to Urban Agglomeration: Another Path to Industrialization in Early Modern/ Modern Japan (小農経済から都市産業集積へ――もう一つの工業化論) (in English) 11:40-12:10 YOSHIZAWA Seiichirō 吉澤誠一郎 (Japan): Japanese Scholars on Chinese Economic History and the Question of Industrialization (日本における中国経済史研究の展開と工業化への問い) (in English) lunch time 13:10-13:40 FURUTA Kazuko 古田和子 (Japan): Information as the Fourth Factor: Mer- chants, State, and Economy of Late Chinese Empire (商人、情報、中華帝国経済) (in English) 13:40-14:10 KATŌ Hiroshi 加藤博 (Japan): Transition from Pre-modern to Modern in Middle East (中東近代の始期について) (in English) 14:10-14:40 MIZUSHIMA Tsukasa (Japan): Market and Non-market Oriented Development and Transformation of Eighteenth Century South India (18世紀南インドにおける市場型・非市場型発展と変容) (in English) 14:40-15:10 KURODA Akinobu 黒田明伸 (Japan): Asymmetric Coexistence between the Asian Empires and the European Nation-States: A Monetary Viewpoint (貨幣からみた帝国と国民国家システムの競存) (in English) coffee break 15:30-17:00 Discussion Symposium Ⅳ:
(807・808会議室)風景の発見――日本文学の場合 (Discoveries of Landscape in Japanese Literature) Chairpersons KUMEKAWA Mitsuki 粂川光樹, Professor Emeritus of Meiji Gakuin Uni- versity & MISUMI Yōichi三角洋一, Professor at the University of Tokyo 10:30-10:35 Introductory Remarks by KUMEKAWA Mitsuki 10:35-11:20 KUMEKAWA Mitsuki (Japan): 後期明治の風景発見 (The Discoveries of Landscape in the Late Meiji Period) (in Japanese) 11:25-12:10 Peter McMILLAN (Ireland): Landscapes in Poetry and Painting: A Comparison of the Hyakunin Isshu and Western Paintings (詩と絵画における風景――『百人一首』と西洋絵画の比較)(in English) 12:10-12-30 Question and Answer Session lunch time 13:40-14:25 MORI Asao 森朝男 (Japan): 神の目・神を見る目――上代文学における風景の発生 (The Gaze of the Gods and the Gaze of Beholders of the Gods: The Genesis of Landscape in Ancient Japanese Literature)(in Japanese) 14:30-15:15 TAKAHASHI Bunji 高橋文二 (Japan): 王朝女流文学の風景と時間――『源氏物語』「幻」巻をめぐって (Landscape and Time in Women’s Writing of the Heian Period: On the ‘Maboroshi’ Chapter in the Genji Monogatari) (in Japanese) 15:15-15-45 Question and Answer Session coffee break 16:00-16:45 Comment by MISUMI Yōichi 16:45-17:00 Discussion Symposium Ⅴ:
(701会議室)中国社会の持続と変容――その論理と実際 (Continuity and Discontinuity in Chinese Society: Theory and Practice) 10:30-10:40 Introductory Remarks by IHARA Hiroshi 伊原弘, Lecturer at Jōsai Kokusai University Morning Session:Chair. by TAKATSU Takashi 高津孝, Professor at Kagoshima University 10:40-11:10 Hoyt TILLMAN (USA): A Frog in a Well Surveys the Heavens: Reflections on Confucianism from a Remote Space (井の中の蛙、道を語る――遠国から儒教を考える) (in English) 11:10-11:40 Richard VON GLAHN (USA): Multiple Currencies and the Formation of Regional Monetary Circuits in East Asia, 12th-14th Centuries (12~14世紀の東アジアにおける多国通貨と地域的通貨流通圏の編成) (in English) 11:40-12:10 Comment: CHEN Jo-shui 陳弱水, Professor at National Taiwan University Afternoon Session: Chair. by KOJIMA Tsuyoshi 小島毅, Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo 13:10-13:40 HONDA Osamu 本田治(Japan): 宋代明州沿海部における開発と移住 (Development and Migration in Coastal Ming-chou during the Sung) (in Japanese) 13:40-14:10 NAKAJIMA Gakushō 中島楽章 (Japan): 宋-清代における同族共有資産の法的保護 (Legal Protection of the Property of Common Descent Group from the Sung to the Ch‘ing) (in Japanese) 14:10-14:40 HOKARI Hiroyuki 帆刈浩之 (Japan): 南方中国の生存戦略――同郷・慈善・医学(Survival Strategies in Southern China: Homeland Union, Charities and Medicine) (in Japanese) coffee break 15:00-17:00 Discussion: (Chair. by IHARA Hiroshi) Symposium Ⅵ:
(806会議室)アジア海域史と現代海洋研究の課題 (Maritime Asia and Maritime History Studies: 1600-2000) Chairperson HAMASHITA Takeshi 濱下武志, Professor at Ryukoku University 10:30-10:40 Introductory Remarks by HAMASHITA Takeshi 10:40-11:20 NAGATSU Kazufumi 長津一史 (Japan): 海道の系譜――島嶼部東南アジアにおける海民ネットワークの持続と再編 (A Genealogy of Sea Route: Continuity and Reorganization of Maritime Networks in Southeast Asia) (in Japanese) 11:20-12:00 François GIPOULOUX (France): Maritime Asia and Maritime History Studies, 1600-2000: Asia and China at the Core of Two Periods of Globalisation (1600-2000年における海洋アジアと海洋史研究――2回のグローバル化時代の核としてのアジアと中国) (in English) lunch time 13:00-13:40 Ulises GRANADOS QUIROZ (Mexico): The South China Sea and Its Coral Reefs during the Ming and Qing: Level of Geographical Knowledge and Political Control (明清期の南シナ海とその諸島――地理的知識と政治上の支配レベル) (in English) 13:40-14:10 BAO Maohong 包茂紅 (China): 海洋亜洲――環境史概覧 (Maritime Asia: Sum- mary of Environmental History) (in Chinese) 14:10-14:50 TSURU Yasuko 都留康子 (Japan): 東シナ海石油・ガス田開発をめぐる日中対立の諸相――協調の海への模索 (Reflections on Maritime Delimitation Dispute in the East China Sea) (in Japanese) coffee break 15:10-17:00 Discussion (Chair. by HAMASHITA Takeshi)
Asian Art History 東洋美術史(702会議室)Chairpersons KOBAYASHI Tadashi 小林忠, Professor at Gakushūin University
OGAWA Hiromitsu 小川裕充, Professor at the University of Tokyo10:40-11:20 Francesca Romana MAROCCHINO (Italy):「不動利益縁起絵巻」と三井寺 (The Fudō Riyaku Engi Emaki and the Miidera) (in Japanese) 11:20-12:00 IDEMITSU Sachiko 出光佐千子 (Japan): 池大雅の抱いた「真景」観の再検討――名所絵における「真景」的表現に着目して (“True View Paintings” by Ike no Taiga: Broadening the Definition of Shinkeizu) (in Japanese) lunch time 13:10-13:50 IKEGAMI Hiroko 池上裕子 (Japan): ニューヨーク近代美術館の日本建築――松風荘と戦後アメリカにおける日本ブームについて (Japanese Architecture in the New York Museum of Modern Art: On the “Shōfūsō” and the Japan Boom in Postwar America) (in Japanese) 13:50-14:30 WANG Yuanlin 王元林 (China): 絵画空間に展開する二重的空間の構築について――画中画屏風絵を通して (Creating Double Space in Picture Space: With Reference to Screen Paintings within Other Paintings) (in Japanese) 14:30-15:10 MITA Takaaki 見田隆鑑 (Japan): 中国陝西省法門寺地宮出土の「捧真身菩薩」像に関する一試論――特に台座下部の明王像の再解釈を中心に (A Study of a Bodhisattva Image Discovered in the Underground Crypt at Fa-men-ssu, Shan-hsi Province: Focusing on a Reinterpretation