
會議名稱: “Korea and the Han(漢朝) Commanderies”

日 時:Thursday-Friday, August 21-22, 2008 at 9:00~17:00

會 場:CGIS South Building, Belfer Case Study Room S020 (Cambridge, MA, USA)

主辦者:Early Korea Project at Harvard University

協辦者:Northeast Asian History Foundation (Seoul)Asia Center at Harvard University

議 程:

第一日August 21 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
9:00 am    Opening Remarks

9:30 am    Song Ho-jung, ‘Old Chosŏn(古朝鮮): History and Archaeology’

11:00 am    Kwon O-jung, ‘History of Lelang(樂浪)

1:30 pm    Jung In-sung, ‘The Culture of Lelang(樂浪)

3:00 pm    Lee Sungje, ‘Xuantu(玄菟) and Koguryŏ(高句麗)

4:15 pm    Group Discussion

第二日August 22 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)

9:00 am    Introduction to Day Two

9:15 am    Oh Youngchan, The Governing Authority of Lelang(樂浪)

10:45 am    Lee Sungsi, Relations with Samhan(三韓) and Wa(倭) during the Daifang(帶方) Period

1:30 pm    Yeo Ho Kyu, The Fall of Lelang(樂浪) and Daifang(帶方)

3:00 pm    Kim Byungjoon, Comparing Peninsular and Insular Commanderies

4:15 pm    Group Discussion

Discussants (Partial List):
John Duncan
Kim Sun-joo
Ariane Perrin
Michael Puett
Pak Yangjin

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