
講 題:「鼎肉、貴族與士」("Meat, power legitimacy and the intellectuals in Early China")(法國研究學者學術演講系列

主講人:Dr. Gilles BoileauPh. D. Religious anthropology [Paris Sorbonne] Ph. D. Philosophy [Paris Sorbonne] Professor, Dpt. of French language and literature, Tamkang University

日 時:2007116 15:00~

会 場:中央研究院歷史語言研究所701會議室(Venue: Rm. 701, Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica, Taipei


Gilles Boileau is Full Professor at Tamkang university, French Language and Civilization Department, in charge of philosophy courses. He is trained in archaic Chinese studies, and French philosophy. He has published articles in Early China, the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African studies, Zhongguo wenhua and more recently Asiatisch Studien.

簡 介:在古代中國,「祭祀」在貴族錯綜複雜的權力關係中扮演一個重要的角色。「鼎肉」更是貴族間權力傳遞的工具,這種情形的產生和許多觀念有關,其中之一就是團結一致的需要。於是,封建社會中的貴族被稱為肉食者。春秋晚期開始,由於各諸侯國的競爭與改革的需要,「士」趁機得以貢獻才能受到各諸侯重用;可是諸侯與士之間的相處並非全無衝突。我們將透過「鼎肉」或說饗宴時食物的賜予與分配的主題,來探討貴族與他們的僕人–「士」之間的關係。(In Archaic China, animal sacrifice played a vital role in the complex relationship inside the network of power. Sacrificial meat was used as an instrument of transmission of legitimacy among the noble class. It was linked with several concepts, one of those being the exigency of unanimity. One could qualify the noble class as a class of “meat-eaters” and their connection was ruled by a sense of propriety and respect of each other status. Beginning at the end of Chunqiu period, with the reorganization of the so-called feudal states, the class of the Shi found opportunities to provide the states with their technical knowledge but the interaction with high nobility did not go without glitches. The theme of meat, food more generally and food-offering/partaking allows for an interesting angle of research in the complex relationship between the elite class and its “servants”.

講演以英語進行。(in English

主辦者:The French Center for Research on Contemporary China, Taipei Office,

and the French Institute of Far Eastern Studies (EFEO), Taipei Office,

洽 詢:CEFC : Mr. Chih-chiang Hu (02-2789 0873) -

EFEO : Ms. Shu-chen Lee (02-2782 9555 #275) -

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