


任育才,〈唐代官學教育的多元性與靈活性〉(The Plurality and Energies of the T'ang System of Public Education),頁1-26

宋德喜,〈唐代前期吏部考功員外郎的身分背景〉(A Study of Kao-Gong-Yuan-Wai-Lang in Board of Civil Office (吏部考功員外郎) on the Former Tang),頁41-66

王明蓀,〈遼上京中京與渤海上京唐宋都城之都市形態〉(The Comparison of the City Pattern's of Liao Upper Capital, Central Capital, Pou-Hai Upper Capital, Tang Song Capital),頁67-103

王仁祥,〈先秦威儀觀探論〉(The Concept of Weiyi in Pre-Qin),頁261-292

賴亮郡,〈唐五代的城隍信仰〉(The Cheng Huang Cult in Tang and Five Dynasties),頁293-248

周聖智,〈從檢括戶口談開元政治〉(Discussing on the Politics during Kai Yuan Period through which Registering and Pacifying Runaway Households),頁349-394



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